Mark M. Gray is a political scientist and Director of CARA Catholic Polls at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University. Dr. Gray's research focuses on culture and politics, political participation, democratization, and religion and politics. Methodologically, Mark specializes in survey research, trend analysis, demographic studies, and cross-sectional time-series analysis. At CARA he has been a primary investigator for more than 25 national surveys of adult Catholics at CARA ranging from media use to sacramental practice. As a graduate student he worked as a journalist for The Orange County Register. Dr. Gray's research spanning political participation, corruption, globalization, trade, and other issues has appeared in the following peer-reviewed journals: Presidential Studies Quarterly, International Organization, PS: Political Science & Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Review of Religious Research, and European Review.