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Flexible online and on-campus classes

In the most critical times of crisis, natural disaster, and emergency, communities rely on smart leaders to manage through safety, support and essential planning. As a Master in Emergency Service Administration, you'll achieve the skills necessary to protect and serve.

noun_career_2159726_b30000.png Career Outcomes
Positions range from Disaster Recovery Manager, Emergency Service Program Management,
Emergency Management Program Specialist.
noun_honor-student_871291_b30000.png Alumni Outcomes
Students in our program work from the D.C government, private and public companies, and are members of the military and veterans.
noun_salary_1923778_b30000.png Average Salary
Emergency management workers see a median annual salary of $70,500, and a bachelor’s degree is usually required for entry-level positions (
noun_time_1833528_b30000.png Degree Completion Time
Students are able to complete the MS-ESA in as little as 2 years.
Program Benefits
  • Earn your degree in as little as 2 years.
  • Fulfil your passion to work in the emergency service industry
  • Learn from faculty with professional experience in the Emergency Service field.
  • Flexible course schedules (evening and online courses available).

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Schedule a 15 minute meeting Zoom meeting with a Graduate Admissions counselor.

Prepare for an in-demand career in Emergency Management. Apply today!

Graduate Admission

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